“Learning to Build Dreams”

Mine and Adrian’s first vlog as Busy Bee’s Bodies business partners! Just something we did today that really encouraged us to continue pursuing our business venue. It helped us to see how much further we have to go but also how far-reaching our possibilities are. It was also a good example of a genuinely interested and helpful individual, not necessarily in the archetypal altruistic way. An overall golden and hopeful experience!”

Be active. Be social. Be divine. Be a Busy Bee.

So Adrian and I were looking at vlogs, or somehow the subject came up, and I asked Adrian if he wanted to do one. We had absolutely no idea for discussion planned; it was a spur of the moment thing. So I turned on the camera and there we went! A simple recounting of one of the experiences of our day. We placed another cinder block in Busy Bee’s Bodies’ foundation. A bee cannot make it’s honey without the flower, can it? It was a source of encouragement for me and Adrian to keep finding these flowers of inspiration to aid in the production of a tasteful honeycomb. With enough flowers, we’ll become the strongest most resilient bee in the tree!

(*badum psh!*)

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